With T-minus 10 days to go, we’re down to the final stages of testing to be sure all is ready for our new website launch March 30.

Testing PenguinToday we are holding a 30-minute “stress test” of the new Oasis class registration screen to see how it does when there are lots of people firing on it at the same time.  We’re starting at 12:00 noon Central Daylight Time.

If you’re here for the test – great!

If you haven’t signed up yet but want to help us out, even better.

You’ll need a MyOASIS account to do the test so if you don’t have one already you can sign up here.

Then please sign in to MyOASIS and go to our Survey page to get instructions and a place to give your feedback: www.surveymonkey.com/s/7HCVD3S

If you have any problems or questions, please contact Niki Newcomb at anewcomb@oasisnet.org or 636-575-5606.

Today’s test focuses on the class search screen since thousands of Oasis participants depend on it to register for Oasis classes. The new screen – like the rest of the site – is completely rewired to be mobile-friendly.  We’re just in time with this upgrade since next month Google officially starts giving higher rankings for sites with “responsive design” that work well whether you are using a desktop, laptop, tablet or smart phone.

All we ask for the test is that you stay on the class search and the shopping cart screens for your OASIS center as that’s the part we want to watch under heavy use. Don’t even bother with payment; the PayPal screen is a separate system and this is all test data anyway. We welcome feedback on other areas of the site later on if you have any thoughts to share.

Thank you so much for your help with this!