Companies (including Oasis) that accept and process online credit card payments will soon move to a more secure Internet protocol. This industry-wide move provides increased security for both industry and consumers. Oasis is ready for the change. Here’s what you need to know about the mandated updates that take place as of June 30, 2018.

What will you have to do?

Chances are you won’t have to do anything if you are using a current version of Windows and the current version of your favorite browser. All major browsers will automatically update to use the new standards. If you get a message that your browser is trying to update, grant permission and you’ll be ok. Chrome and Firefox install updates when you close and open them. In Windows 10, Internet Explorer and Edge update with Windows updates.

If you’d like to check your browser’s capabilities, or if after June 30th you get a message that your browser is using “TLS 1.0 or below”, here is what you can do.

Download a third-party browser

If you are shopping and run into an issue, first try a different browser. If you only have Internet Explorer and/or Edge, try Chrome (the world’s most popular browser) or Firefox.

Updating your browser

All major browsers automatically update when new features or security patches are available. If you want to double-check that you are fully updated (and the most protected), use the instructions below.

Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer (IE) in Windows 10

Both Edge and IE update through the Windows update process. To manually check for updates:

  1. Click Start , then Settings .
  2. Open Update & Security , then Windows Update and click Check for updates.

Windows Update Screenshot

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) in Windows 7

  1. Open Internet Explorer, then click Settings .
  2. Click About Internet Explorer.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome updates automatically when you close and reopen the browser. To manually check and initiate an update:

  1. Look at the More  button at the top right. If it’s colored green, orange or red there is an update available.
  2. To update, click More , hover over Help, then click About Google Chrome.

Updating Settings Screenshot

You’ll need to relaunch Chrome after an update. The current build is version 66.XX

Mozilla Firefox

Firefox updates automatically, but you can check manually as follows:

  1. Click Menu , then Help ? and select About Firefox.
  2. Firefox will automatically check for and download updates.

Updating Firefox Settings Screenshot